Receive daily reflection. Messages left by a change in your life. There are situations that come into our lives that we think we can not get out but there is always an answer and that is God. God will never leave you alone and be with you every day. We are a ministry who carry the message of love (God) to the world.
What kind of Christian thinking there? Written brief Christian reflections on life in general, biblical, based on the word of God, love, Christ, God, Christian reflections for women, apply for children, reflections on prayer, evangelical, faith, Christian reflections about love. Ideal for sharing on your facebook or twitter. Free.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">每天收到的反映。在你的生活的变化留下的消息。有迹象表明,进入我们的生活,我们认为,我们出不去了,但总有一个答案,那就是神的情况。上帝永远不会离开你独自一人,并与你的每一天。我们是谁携带的爱(神)的消息对世界的事工。
什么样的基督徒的思维呢?以通用的,圣经对生命短暂的基督徒思考的基础上,神的爱,基督,天主,基督教反思女性的话,申请孩子,祈祷,福音派,信仰,关于爱的基督徒思考思考。非常适合在你的Facebook或Twitter分享。免费。</div> <div class="show-more-end">